The legal protection afforded to certain species through UK and European legislation means that the presence of protected species can often represent a significant constraint on development proposals.
Windrush Ecology Ltd. provides expert advice on managing protected species and licensing for development, including European Protected Species (EPS) such as great crested newts, dormice and bats. We have extensive experience of advising on the requirement for licensing, of preparing license applications and liaising with Natural England.
Our ecological consultants work closely with our clients to ensure that potential licensing issues are identified as early as possible so that the presence of protected species does not present a problem.
Recent bat licence application projects include the demolition of a bungalow in Lower Basildon, West Berkshire, Cotswold barn conversions in Gloucestershire & Oxfordshire and a listed building conversion and renovation of an historic barn near Worcester.
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The Windrush Innovation Centre, Howbery Park, Benson Lane, Crowmarsh Gifford, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 8BA
Hexagon Business Centre, Avenue 4, Station Lane, Witney, Oxfordshire OX28 4BN
Tel: 01491 822681
Tel: 01993 220273
Copyright ©2025 Windrush Ecology Ltd.