A thorough understanding of habitats, communities and ecosystem function is required to prepare high quality ecological management plans.
The ecologists at Windrush Ecology Ltd. are able to apply their considerable academic background, expertise and experience to producing management plans tailored to particular habitats and species, whilst being practical and easy to implement.
We are also able to undertake ecological monitoring, including monitoring the success of species-specific mitigation associated with development such as bat lofts, bat boxes and artificial badger setts.
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The Windrush Innovation Centre, Howbery Park, Benson Lane, Crowmarsh Gifford, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 8BA
Hexagon Business Centre, Avenue 4, Station Lane, Witney, Oxfordshire OX28 4BN
Tel: 01491 822681
Tel: 01993 220273
Copyright ©2025 Windrush Ecology Ltd.
Email: enquiry@windrushecology.com